1.Install ActiveTcl 8.5
2.run the command to work with excel
teacup install tcom
#1.How to create an excel and write data to that excel and save it using tcl
#The below example explains how to write "india" in 3 rd row and A column
package require tcom
set application [::tcom::ref createobject "Excel.Application"]
$application Visible 1
set workbooks [$application Workbooks]
set workbook [$workbooks Add]
set worksheets [$workbook Worksheets]
set worksheet [$worksheets Item [expr 1]]
set cells [$worksheet Cells]
# write data to excel at 3 rd row A coloumn
$cells Item 3 A "india"
# read data from excel from 3rd row A coloumn
set str [[$cells Item 3 A] -get Value]
puts $str
#set i 0
#foreach row {1 2 3} {
# foreach column {A B C} {
# $cells Item $row $column [incr i]
# }
$workbook SaveAs {c:\sample.xls}
$application Quit