DataStructure Program to maintains a B-tree of order 5

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#define MAX 4
#define MIN 2
struct btnode
int count ;
int value[MAX + 1] ;
struct btnode *child[MAX + 1] ;
} ;
struct btnode * insert ( int, struct btnode * ) ;
int setval ( int, struct btnode *, int *, struct btnode ** ) ;
struct btnode * search ( int, struct btnode *, int * ) ;
int searchnode ( int, struct btnode *, int * ) ;
void fillnode ( int, struct btnode *, struct btnode *, int ) ;
void split ( int, struct btnode *, struct btnode *,int, int *, struct btnode ** ) ;
struct btnode * delete ( int, struct btnode * ) ;
int delhelp ( int, struct btnode * ) ;
void clear ( struct btnode *, int ) ;
void copysucc ( struct btnode *, int ) ;
void restore ( struct btnode *, int ) ;
void rightshift ( struct btnode *, int ) ;
void leftshift ( struct btnode *, int ) ;
void merge ( struct btnode *, int ) ;
void display ( struct btnode * ) ;
void main( )
struct node *root ;
root = NULL ;
clrscr( ) ;
root = insert ( 27, root ) ;
root = insert ( 42, root ) ;
root = insert ( 22, root ) ;
root = insert ( 47, root ) ;
root = insert ( 32, root ) ;
root = insert ( 2, root ) ;
root = insert ( 51, root ) ;
root = insert ( 40, root ) ;
root = insert ( 13, root ) ;
printf ( "B-tree of order 5:\n" ) ;
display ( root ) ;
root = delete ( 22, root ) ;
root = delete ( 11, root ) ;
printf ( "\n\nAfter deletion of values:\n" ) ;
display ( root ) ;
getch( ) ;
/* inserts a value in the B-tree*/
struct btnode * insert ( int val, struct btnode *root )
int i ;
struct btnode *c, *n ;
int flag ;
flag = setval ( val, root, &i, &c ) ;
if ( flag )
n = ( struct btnode * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct btnode ) ) ;
n -> count = 1 ;
n -> value [1] = i ;
n -> child [0] = root ;
n -> child [1] = c ;
return n ;
return root ;
/* sets the value in the node */
int setval ( int val, struct btnode *n, int *p, struct btnode **c )
int k ;
if ( n == NULL )
*p = val ;
*c = NULL ;
return 1 ;
if ( searchnode ( val, n, &k ) )
printf ( "\nKey value already exists.\n" ) ;
if ( setval ( val, n -> child [k], p, c ) )
if ( n -> count < MAX )
fillnode ( *p, *c, n, k ) ;
return 0 ;
split ( *p, *c, n, k, p, c ) ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
/* searches value in the node */
struct btnode * search ( int val, struct btnode *root, int *pos )
if ( root == NULL )
return NULL ;
if ( searchnode ( val, root, pos ) )
return root ;
return search ( val, root -> child [*pos], pos ) ;
/* searches for the node */
int searchnode ( int val, struct btnode *n, int *pos )
if ( val < n -> value [1] )
*pos = 0 ;
return 0 ;
*pos = n -> count ;
while ( ( val < n -> value [*pos] ) && *pos > 1 )
( *pos )-- ;
if ( val == n -> value [*pos] )
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
/* adjusts the value of the node */
void fillnode ( int val, struct btnode *c, struct btnode *n, int k )
int i ;
for ( i = n -> count ; i > k ; i-- )
n -> value [i + 1] = n -> value [i] ;
n -> child [i + 1] = n -> child [i] ;
n -> value [k + 1] = val ;
n -> child [k + 1] = c ;
n -> count++ ;
/* splits the node */
void split ( int val, struct btnode *c, struct btnode *n,int k, int *y, struct btnode **newnode )
int i, mid ;
if ( k <= MIN )
mid = MIN ;
mid = MIN + 1 ;
*newnode = ( struct btnode * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct btnode ) ) ;
for ( i = mid + 1 ; i <= MAX ; i++ )
( *newnode ) -> value [i - mid] = n -> value [i] ;
( *newnode ) -> child [i - mid] = n -> child [i] ;
( *newnode ) -> count = MAX - mid ;
n -> count = mid ;
if ( k <= MIN )
fillnode ( val, c, n, k ) ;
fillnode ( val, c, *newnode, k - mid ) ;
*y = n -> value [n -> count] ;
( *newnode ) -> child [0] = n -> child [n -> count] ;
n -> count-- ;
/* deletes value from the node */
struct btnode * delete ( int val, struct btnode *root )
struct btnode * temp ;
if ( ! delhelp ( val, root ) )
printf ( "\nValue %d not found.", val ) ;
if ( root -> count == 0 )
temp = root ;
root = root -> child [0] ;
free ( temp ) ;
return root ;
/* helper function for delete( ) */
int delhelp ( int val, struct btnode *root )
int i ;
int flag ;
if ( root == NULL )
return 0 ;
flag = searchnode ( val, root, &i ) ;
if ( flag )
if ( root -> child [i - 1] )
copysucc ( root, i ) ;
flag = delhelp ( root -> value [i], root -> child [i] ) ;
if ( !flag )
printf ( "\nValue %d not found.", val ) ;
clear ( root, i ) ;
flag = delhelp ( val, root -> child [i] ) ;
if ( root -> child [i] != NULL )
if ( root -> child [i] -> count < MIN )
restore ( root, i ) ;
return flag ;
/* removes the value from the node and adjusts the values */
void clear ( struct btnode *node, int k )
int i ;
for ( i = k + 1 ; i <= node -> count ; i++ )
node -> value [i - 1] = node -> value [i] ;
node -> child [i - 1] = node -> child [i] ;
node -> count-- ;
/* copies the successor of the value that is to be deleted */
void copysucc ( struct btnode *node, int i )
struct btnode *temp ;
temp = node -> child [i] ;
while ( temp -> child[0] )
temp = temp -> child [0] ;
node -> value [i] = temp -> value [1] ;
/* adjusts the node */
void restore ( struct btnode *node, int i )
if ( i == 0 )
if ( node -> child [1] -> count > MIN )
leftshift ( node, 1 ) ;
merge ( node, 1 ) ;
if ( i == node -> count )
if ( node -> child [i - 1] -> count > MIN )
rightshift ( node, i ) ;
merge ( node, i ) ;
if ( node -> child [i - 1] -> count > MIN )
rightshift ( node, i ) ;
if ( node -> child [i + 1] -> count > MIN )
leftshift ( node, i + 1 ) ;
merge ( node, i ) ;
/* adjusts the values and children while shifting the value from parent to right child */
void rightshift ( struct btnode *node, int k )
int i ;
struct btnode *temp ;
temp = node -> child [k] ;
for ( i = temp -> count ; i > 0 ; i-- )
temp -> value [i + 1] = temp -> value [i] ;
temp -> child [i + 1] = temp -> child [i] ;
temp -> child [1] = temp -> child [0] ;
temp -> count++ ;
temp -> value [1] = node -> value [k] ;
temp = node -> child [k - 1] ;
node -> value [k] = temp -> value [temp -> count] ;
node -> child [k] -> child [0] = temp -> child [temp -> count] ;
temp -> count-- ;
/* adjusts the values and children while shifting the value from parent to left child */
void leftshift ( struct btnode *node, int k )
int i ;
struct btnode *temp ;
temp = node -> child [k - 1] ;
temp -> count++ ;
temp -> value [temp -> count] = node -> value [k] ;
temp -> child [temp -> count] = node -> child [k] -> child [0] ;
temp = node -> child [k] ;
node -> value [k] = temp -> value [1] ;
temp -> child [0] = temp -> child [1] ;
temp -> count-- ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= temp -> count ; i++ )
temp -> value [i] = temp -> value [i + 1] ;
temp -> child [i] = temp -> child [i + 1] ;
/* merges two nodes */
void merge ( struct btnode *node, int k )
int i ;
struct btnode *temp1, *temp2 ;
temp1 = node -> child [k] ;
temp2 = node -> child [k - 1] ;
temp2 -> count++ ;
temp2 -> value [temp2 -> count] = node -> value [k] ;
temp2 -> child [temp2 -> count] = node -> child [0] ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= temp1 -> count ; i++ )
temp2 -> count++ ;
temp2 -> value [temp2 -> count] = temp1 -> value [i] ;
temp2 -> child [temp2 -> count] = temp1 -> child [i] ;
for ( i = k ; i < node -> count ; i++ )
node -> value [i] = node -> value [i + 1] ;
node -> child [i] = node -> child [i + 1] ;
node -> count-- ;
free ( temp1 ) ;
/* displays the B-tree */
void display ( struct btnode *root )
int i ;
if ( root != NULL )
for ( i = 0 ; i < root -> count ; i++ )
display ( root -> child [i] ) ;
printf ( "%d\t", root -> value [i + 1] ) ;
display ( root -> child [i] ) ;